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  • CRT is a worldview. The practice of CRT has permeated all American institutions, political, academic, medical, the media and the military. "Critical Race Theory is a fundamentally racist worldview predicated on the claim that racism is in the "DNA" of white American institutions and society, as well as, in effect, in the DNA of white Americans. It sees minorities, especially black Americans, as victims of "systemic racism": racism permeating a vast network of impenetrable institutional structures and cultural stereotypes - all created by whites to give themselves unearned advantages." 1. CRT is rooted in Marxist ideology substituting economic divisions - the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie - for social (predominately racial) divisions - white supremest oppressors vs. people of color victims. "It retains the larger, Marxist-inspired understanding of society as characterized by group power and oppression." 2. CRT's 21st-century moniker is Cultural Hegemony. Or Cultural Marxism. Critical race theory's intellectual pedigree originates with "Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci who developed the concept of cultural hegemony out of Karl Marx’s theory that the dominant ideology of society reflects the beliefs and interests of the ruling class. Gramsci argued that consent to the rule of the dominant group is achieved by the spread of ideologies—beliefs, assumptions, and values—through social institutions such as schools, churches, courts, and the media, among others. These institutions do the work of socializing people into the norms, values, and beliefs of the dominant social group. As such, the group that controls these institutions controls the rest of society." 3. "Gramsci's banner was carried to America by the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist and Freudian academics who fled Hitler's Germany in the 1930s. Much as Gramsci had recommended, Frankfurt scholars worked to undermine capitalist society's foundations by attacking (problematizing") its sociocultural foundations. their approach has been alternatively described as "Neo-Marxist," and as 'cultural Marxist." 4. CRT achieved status as an academic discipline circa 1989. CRT is "an intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color." [5] That claims that the United States was founded on racism, oppression, and white supremacy – and that these forces are still at the root of our society can be found culture-wide. For an example of an ahistorical account of America's founding as relayed through the lens of CRT see The New York Times, The 1619 Project. [1] Black Eye for America, How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House Carol M. Swain Ph.D. & Christopher J. Schorr Ph.D. [2] Ibid. P. 21 [3] Cole, Nicki Lisa, Ph.D. "What Is Cultural Hegemony?" ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, 4. Black Eye for America, How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House Carol M. Swain Ph.D. & Christopher J. Schorr Ph.D. P. 22 [5]
  • What are the tenants of CRT?
    The tenets of critical race theory include [5]: Racism is ordinary and not aberrational – Racism is the normal way of life in our society. Interest convergence – The current system serves a purpose for the dominant group. Because elite whites benefit materially and working-class whites benefit psychically, there is not much incentive to eradicate systemic racism. Race has been constructed socially – Race is a social construct and a product of social thought that is not based on biological or genetic reality. Differential racialization – Racial categories are invented and manipulated at different times for specific purposes of white people. Intersectionality or anti-essentialism – This thesis suggests that people can’t always be identified by their membership in one group. Storytelling and counter storytelling – The stories we tell uphold the current system. This includes curricula in schools, which are structured around mainstream white middle-class values. Counter storytelling is effective for unlearning things that we commonly believed were true, and people of color are uniquely qualified to speak about their experiences with racism. [5]
  • What does CRT teach?
    According to [6]: 1. There is no objective Morality. There’s no objective truth. Truth is a social construct. They don’t say truth does not exist, but just that only certain people have access to it. Truth is based on how you experience it. And how you experience it depends on if you are part of the oppressed class or oppressor class. 2. All of society is split between oppressed and the oppressor. It's a power dynamic. 3. The oppressed by virtue of their being oppressed are automatically moral. So morality is determined by that which the oppressed say is moral. 4. Your being moral or immoral is solely based on if you are a member of an oppressor class or an oppressed class. 5. CRT says that Racism is everywhere. And it's because you are a white and thus racist, you cannot recognize it. 6. If you say that you are blind to color, or act like you are blind to race or color, that is you treat all people as equial this actually perpetuates teh power and privileges of the dominant group. 7. If a white person helps a black person, it's only because it helps their own self-interest. 8. Critical race theory claims that members of opressed grupos have special interest access to truth becaue of their "lived experience" of oppression. [6] Microsoft PowerPoint - What is Critical Race Theory 3.pptx (
  • When was CRT officially organized?
    Critical race theory (CRT) was officially organized in 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory [7]. [7]
  • Is CRT mandatory in Ohio schools?
    No. Most school districts deny teaching CRT. Despite that, there is currently legislation that would make it illegal for CRT (or the tenants thereof) to be taught in Ohio schools, see the page on legislation.
  • CRT is a worldview. The practice of CRT has permeated all American institutions, political, academic, medical, the media and the military. "Critical Race Theory is a fundamentally racist worldview predicated on the claim that racism is in the "DNA" of white American institutions and society, as well as, in effect, in the DNA of white Americans. It sees minorities, especially black Americans, as victims of "systemic racism": racism permeating a vast network of impenetrable institutional structures and cultural stereotypes - all created by whites to give themselves unearned advantages." 1. CRT is rooted in Marxist ideology substituting economic divisions - the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie - for social (predominately racial) divisions - white supremest oppressors vs. people of color victims. "It retains the larger, Marxist-inspired understanding of society as characterized by group power and oppression." 2. CRT's 21st-century moniker is Cultural Hegemony. Or Cultural Marxism. Critical race theory's intellectual pedigree originates with "Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci who developed the concept of cultural hegemony out of Karl Marx’s theory that the dominant ideology of society reflects the beliefs and interests of the ruling class. Gramsci argued that consent to the rule of the dominant group is achieved by the spread of ideologies—beliefs, assumptions, and values—through social institutions such as schools, churches, courts, and the media, among others. These institutions do the work of socializing people into the norms, values, and beliefs of the dominant social group. As such, the group that controls these institutions controls the rest of society." 3. "Gramsci's banner was carried to America by the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist and Freudian academics who fled Hitler's Germany in the 1930s. Much as Gramsci had recommended, Frankfurt scholars worked to undermine capitalist society's foundations by attacking (problematizing") its sociocultural foundations. their approach has been alternatively described as "Neo-Marxist," and as 'cultural Marxist." 4. CRT achieved status as an academic discipline circa 1989. CRT is "an intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color." [5] That claims that the United States was founded on racism, oppression, and white supremacy – and that these forces are still at the root of our society can be found culture-wide. For an example of an ahistorical account of America's founding as relayed through the lens of CRT see The New York Times, The 1619 Project. [1] Black Eye for America, How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House Carol M. Swain Ph.D. & Christopher J. Schorr Ph.D. [2] Ibid. P. 21 [3] Cole, Nicki Lisa, Ph.D. "What Is Cultural Hegemony?" ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, 4. Black Eye for America, How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House Carol M. Swain Ph.D. & Christopher J. Schorr Ph.D. P. 22 [5]
  • What are the tenants of CRT?
    The tenets of critical race theory include [5]: Racism is ordinary and not aberrational – Racism is the normal way of life in our society. Interest convergence – The current system serves a purpose for the dominant group. Because elite whites benefit materially and working-class whites benefit psychically, there is not much incentive to eradicate systemic racism. Race has been constructed socially – Race is a social construct and a product of social thought that is not based on biological or genetic reality. Differential racialization – Racial categories are invented and manipulated at different times for specific purposes of white people. Intersectionality or anti-essentialism – This thesis suggests that people can’t always be identified by their membership in one group. Storytelling and counter storytelling – The stories we tell uphold the current system. This includes curricula in schools, which are structured around mainstream white middle-class values. Counter storytelling is effective for unlearning things that we commonly believed were true, and people of color are uniquely qualified to speak about their experiences with racism. [5]
  • What does CRT teach?
    According to [6]: 1. There is no objective Morality. There’s no objective truth. Truth is a social construct. They don’t say truth does not exist, but just that only certain people have access to it. Truth is based on how you experience it. And how you experience it depends on if you are part of the oppressed class or oppressor class. 2. All of society is split between oppressed and the oppressor. It's a power dynamic. 3. The oppressed by virtue of their being oppressed are automatically moral. So morality is determined by that which the oppressed say is moral. 4. Your being moral or immoral is solely based on if you are a member of an oppressor class or an oppressed class. 5. CRT says that Racism is everywhere. And it's because you are a white and thus racist, you cannot recognize it. 6. If you say that you are blind to color, or act like you are blind to race or color, that is you treat all people as equial this actually perpetuates teh power and privileges of the dominant group. 7. If a white person helps a black person, it's only because it helps their own self-interest. 8. Critical race theory claims that members of opressed grupos have special interest access to truth becaue of their "lived experience" of oppression. [6] Microsoft PowerPoint - What is Critical Race Theory 3.pptx (
  • When was CRT officially organized?
    Critical race theory (CRT) was officially organized in 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory [7]. [7]
  • Is CRT mandatory in Ohio schools?
    No. Most school districts deny teaching CRT. Despite that, there is currently legislation that would make it illegal for CRT (or the tenants thereof) to be taught in Ohio schools, see the page on legislation.
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